FBI | General Guidelines


Information Sheet

All information contained within this document is property of the FBI.


➜ Activity Requirements

➜ Radio Traffic Only Regulations

➜ Kill On Site Regulations

➜ Leave of Absence Limitations

➜ Disciplinary Actions

➜ Marksman Certification

➜ Training Limitations

➜ Reinstatement Limitations

➜ Private Servers

Activity Requirements

Department Quota

All patrol logs are calculated bi-weekly which is calculated at 5PM Eastern Standard Time every Saturday. The bi-weekly quota is announced in #news within the Federal Bureau of Investigations communication server. The quota of all personnel within the Department is a minimum of 5 hours bi-weekly. Additionally, personnel who are in a Division within the Department are mandated to complete the Division’s set quota.


Personnel are exempt from the bi-weekly quota if a Leave of Absence has been granted. The duration of the Leave of Absence must be 7 days or more to be exempted. If personnel receive a Letter of Reprimand, personnel are still mandated to complete the quota if the suspension is less than 7 days. If personnel receive a mandatory retrain, personnel must complete the set quota if the mandatory retrain was given 7 days prior to the conclusion of the quota.

Disciplinary Actions

A warning will be given to personnel who fail to meet the activity requirement for first offences, however, personnel must provide at least 2 or more hours to receive a warning. Personnel holding the rank of Probationary Agent and Agent will be terminated for second offences or if personnel provide lower than 2 hours of logged patrol. Personnel holding the rank of Special Agent+ will be demoted to a suitable rank according to their activity. Patrol logs are to be logged in #patrol-logs.

Division Quota

Field Training Division

1 tryout hosted and 1 training hosted

2 Hours of logged patrol.

Critical Incident Response Group

5 Hours of logged patrol.

Intelligence Division

Answer or assist in 3 tickets.

5 Hours of logged patrol.

Radio Traffic Only Regulations

All personnel patrolling while representing the Federal Bureau of Investigation Department are mandated to be in a Voice Channel within the Radio Traffic Only communications server. Personnel are not mandated to utilise their microphone to communicate and instead can use the in-game radio to respond to other personnel within the Radio Traffic Only server.

Kill On Site Regulations

Personnel are not permitted to mandate other personnel to kill subjects on site unless personnel obtain the rank of Supervisory Agent or a seniority rank to Supervisory Agent. This will ensure there will be no confusion amongst personnel and limit the reports and confusion of subjects as some personnel may not be able to properly identify the reason for kill on site.

Leave of Absence Limitations

Personnel who request a Leave of Absence are to be only granted a 14 day Leave of Absence as the maximum. No Leave of Absences are to be granted exceeding 14 days. If personnel for any reason are banned in the game, personnel will be terminated. Personnel will not be permitted back in the Department when personnel is unbanned, however and will have to complete the tryout and training process to its entirety.

Disciplinary Actions

The Intelligence Division has access to a punishment guideline to ensure the disciplinary action decided upon is given fairly to personnel. Additionally, if personnel receive 2 Letter of Reprimands within 1 week they will receive a Letter of Discharge, discharging personnel from the Department or position within the Department.

Marksman Certifications

Personnel are mandated to successfully obtain the Marksman Certification if personnel have the desire to utilise the Barrett M107. The Marksman Certification is only authorised to those who obtain great knowledge and experience of the firearm. Personnel who are any rank seniority to Supervisory Agent or in the Critical Incident Response Group as an Operative have the authorisation to utilise the firearm as it is automatically given.

Training Limitations

All personnel who hold the rank of Probationary Agent are mandated to successfully complete the Z-V certification training from their tryout date. Additionally, personnel who obtain a mandatory retrain have 2 weeks from the issue date of the mandatory retrain to complete the mandated section. Personnel who don’t complete the Z-V certification training or the mandatory retrain risk being removed from their position.

Reinstatement Limitations

Personnel who resign from the Department will be permitted to reinstate in the Department only if they put in a 24 hour resignation notice, they will receive the rank that is given to them by Senior Agent+. Additionally, personnel who reinstate only get back their sections if they reinstate within a month.


All personnel are permitted to join the ‘FBI’ team in a private server, however, personnel without their Z-V certification, suspended or have a mandatory retrain are not permitted to patrol or access the ‘FBI’ team in a public server or private roleplay under any circumstance until they’ve received their roles or have been unhalted from their duties. Additionally, personnel who don’t have proper certifications or have received disciplinary action in which halts their duties are not permitted on patrol within private roleplays due to the representation of the Department. Personnel who haven’t yet obtained the Z-V certification are permitted to join the ‘FBI’ team in the game only to test out the equipment the Department offers in a private server of their game.


Director of FBI
